Newman May Quit?
The Philadelphia Inquirer is reporting rumors that PA Supreme Court Justice Newman may quit.
Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice Sandra Schultz Newman, who narrowly won another 10-year term on the state’s highest court in November, is leaning toward stepping down, according to sources in the legal system.
Newman, 67, would likely accept a position as a lawyer in the Philadelphia law firm Cozen O’Connor, which has a large appellate practice.
Newman, a Republican from Montgomery County, became the first woman elected to the state Supreme Court when she won her first term on the court in November 1995.
She declined to comment on whether she planned to leave the court.
Newman, along with former Justice Russell M. Nigro, had been targeted during their retention campaigns last year in a taxpayer revolt over legislative and judicial pay raises.
Newman won but Nigro was ousted in the wave of voter outrage. He is contemplating another run for the high court.
In light of this court’s egregious abuses of the state Constitution, quitting is really the only honorable thing to do.